DayStar is now making Genesis MP systems available to authorized developers at incredibly reduced prices. The Genesis MP Conversion Kit, which allows you to turn an existing Power Mac 7500, 8500 or 9500 into a Genesis MP is also available.
Genesis MP 300 2 x 150 MHz
Genesis MP 300 (0/0) $5,971 $4,777
Genesis MP 528 4 x 132 MHz
Genesis MP 528 (0/0) $8,971 $6,997
Genesis MP 528 (16/1000) N/A $8,451
Genesis MP 600 4 x 150 MHz
Genesis MP 600 (0/0) $10,971 $8,557
Genesis MP 600 (32/2) N/A $11,266
All Genesis MP Systems include:
- 512K L2 Cache
- 6 PCI slots
- Quad-speed, tray loading CD-ROM drive
- ADB Mouse
- Multiprocessing plug-ins for Adobe Photoshop, After Effects, Premiere and Kodak's Color Management System included Note: PCI video card and monitor not included, (0/0) configurations also do not include hard drive, RAM or keyboard.
Conversion Kit Now Supports 7500, 8500 and 9500!
Genesis MP 528 Conv. Kit (0/0) $6,499 $5,069
- 4 x 132 MHz PowerPC 604
- Genesis MP "easy access" Tower Chassis with 350 watt power supply
- Requires user supplied Power Mac 7500, 8500 or 9500
Additional product info can also be found on our FaxBack system @ 770-967-0921 or on our web page at Pricing and availability are subject to change.